I understand MONTHS_BETWEEN database function will work.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
How to start Application Express
After installing Oracle Express, point your web browser to http://localhost:8080/apex
To change the default port:
To change the default port:
sqlplus /nolog
connect sys/mypassword as sysdba
exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport('9090');
Oracle How to pivot a table
create table winners
(year varchar(4) not null,
team varchar(30) not null,
constraint pk_winners primary key (year));
insert into winners (year,team) values ('1990','SAINTS');
insert into winners (year,team) values ('1991','SWANS');
insert into winners (year,team) values ('1992','DOGS');
insert into winners (year,team) values ('1993','MAGPIES');
insert into winners (year,team) values ('1994','TIGERS');
SQL> select * from winners;
---- ------------------------------
1991 SWANS
1992 DOGS
5 rows selected.
SQL> select max(decode(year,'1990',team,'')) as "1990",
max(decode(year,'1991',team,'')) as "1991",
max(decode(year,'1992',team,'')) as "1992",
max(decode(year,'1993',team,'')) as "1993",
max(decode(year,'1994',team,'')) as "1994"
from winners
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 row selected.
Oracle:How to get first and last rows in an aggregation
create table transactions (
id integer not null,
tdate date not null,
opening_bal number(8,2) not null,
closing_bal number(8,2) not null,
transaction number(8,2) not null,
constraint pk_transactions primary key (id,tdate));
insert into transactions (id,tdate,opening_bal,closing_bal,transaction) values (1,'01-jan-10',0,10,10);
insert into transactions (id,tdate,opening_bal,closing_bal,transaction) values (1,'02-jan-10',10,20,10);
insert into transactions (id,tdate,opening_bal,closing_bal,transaction) values (1,'03-jan-10',20,25,5);
insert into transactions (id,tdate,opening_bal,closing_bal,transaction) values (1,'04-jan-10',25,-15,-40);
insert into transactions (id,tdate,opening_bal,closing_bal,transaction) values (1,'05-jan-10',-15,0,15);
insert into transactions (id,tdate,opening_bal,closing_bal,transaction) values (1,'06-jan-10',0,13,13);
SQL> select * from transactions;
---------- --------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 01-JAN-10 0 10 10
1 02-JAN-10 10 20 10
1 03-JAN-10 20 25 5
1 04-JAN-10 25 -15 -40
1 05-JAN-10 -15 0 15
1 06-JAN-10 0 13 13
6 rows selected.
SQL> select id, count(tdate) as tcount
,max(opening_bal) keep (dense_rank first order by tdate) as opening_bal
,max(closing_bal) keep (dense_rank last order by tdate) as closing_bal
from transactions
where tdate between '02-jan-10' and '04-jan-10'
group by id;
---------- ------------ ----------- -----------
1 3 10 -15
Oracle How to generate random data (without PL/SQL)
This is a handy way of generating random data. The number of rows
generated is defined by the "connect by level" (currently set to 5).
column s format A5 column r format 999999999999 select level,dbms_random.random r,dbms_random.value(1,10) v,dbms_random.string('','5') s,sysdate+level d from dual connect by level <= 5; LEVEL r V s D ---------- ------------- ---------- ----- --------- 1 384454788 5.86831193 PBZVI 14/AUG/10 2 568121861 8.77328309 YHVDP 15/AUG/10 3 -918508229 6.24565917 CHKXW 16/AUG/10 4 1409236401 4.15254419 HAZUS 17/AUG/10 5 -1356731387 4.12237254 HDDDX 18/AUG/10 5 rows selected.
Oracle How to create a user
SQL> create user DEV identified by DEV;
User created.
SQL> grant create session to dev;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant resource to DEV;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant select any table to dev;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant select_catalog_role to dev;
Grant succeeded.
User created.
SQL> grant create session to dev;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant resource to DEV;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant select any table to dev;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant select_catalog_role to dev;
Grant succeeded.
Oracle: How to convert to local time
alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';
cast(from_tz(cast (to_date('2011-01-01 16:00:00') as timestamp),'GMT') at local as date) as LOCAL_EVENT_DATE
from dual;
alter session set succeeded.
2011-01-02 02:00:00
1 rows selected
How to check for valid numbers
-- select records from a table where a varchar field contains only valid numbers
-- Method 1
select emp_id,hours_worked
from emp
where trim(translate(hours_worked,'+-.0123456789',' ')) is null
translate(expr_string, from_string, to_string) converts searches through expr_string and replaces every character in from_string to the corresponding character in to_string. If no corresponding character is found (i.e. the nth character in from_string has no corresponding character in to_string), then the character is removed.
- translate('12345', '14', '69') => '69345'
- translate('12345', '41', '96') => '69345'
- translate('12345', '12345', ' ') => ' '
Note also that this will not work for values with the pattern 9999-9999
This function can be used to test if a value is numeric by trimming as shown in the SQL snippet above.
-- Method 2
select emp_id,hours_worked
from emp
where regexp_like(hours_worked,'^\d+$')
Oracle Dates
Internal Date Format
Oracle dates are stored as a structure made up of 7 fields each of which is 1 bytes long.
byte 1: century + 100
byte 2: year + 100
byte 3: month
byte 4: day of month
byte 5: hour + 1
byte 6: minute + 1
byte 7: second + 1
The default date format is used whenever a date value has to be displayed (e.g. the result of a select). It is set using the nls_date_format initialization parameter. By default it is 'dd-MON-yy'. You can change this for the current session using the 'ALTER SESSION' command.
Adding days is very simple - just use normal arithmetic operators (+ and -).
Adding months is just as easy but you have to be aware of a little quirk. When adding a month to an end of month date, the result is also the end of month. Note that you can use negative numbers for the second argument.
Moving from a month with 30 days to a month with 31 days could "lose" a day.
Oracle dates are stored as a structure made up of 7 fields each of which is 1 bytes long.
byte 1: century + 100
byte 2: year + 100
byte 3: month
byte 4: day of month
byte 5: hour + 1
byte 6: minute + 1
byte 7: second + 1
create table t (d date); insert into t values (to_date('2001-05-30 08:05:30','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')); select dump(d) from t; DUMP(D) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Typ=12 Len=7: 120,101,5,30,1,1,1Default Date Format
The default date format is used whenever a date value has to be displayed (e.g. the result of a select). It is set using the nls_date_format initialization parameter. By default it is 'dd-MON-yy'. You can change this for the current session using the 'ALTER SESSION' command.
alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';Adding days
Adding days is very simple - just use normal arithmetic operators (+ and -).
alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd'; var d varchar2(10); exec :d := '2010-01-31'; select :d, to_date(:d)+1 from dual; :D TO_DATE(:D -------------------------------- ---------- 2010-01-31 2010-02-01Adding months
Adding months is just as easy but you have to be aware of a little quirk. When adding a month to an end of month date, the result is also the end of month. Note that you can use negative numbers for the second argument.
Moving from a month with 30 days to a month with 31 days could "lose" a day.
exec :d := '2001-04-30'; select :d,add_months(:d,1) from dual; :D ADD_MONTHS -------------------------------- ---------- 2001-04-30 2001-05-31This is what could happen when moving from a non-leap year to a leap year.
exec :d := '2003-02-28'; select :d,add_months(:d,12) from dual; :D ADD_MONTHS -------------------------------- ---------- 2003-02-28 2004-02-29
Oracle Analytic Function
Datastage :Importing Table Definitions With OrchDbUtil
orchdbutil is a command line utility that allows you to print out table table definitions. It connects to the database,
queries the database catalog and prints the table definition to the console. The table definition is an orchestrate
definition - i.e. it uses internal data types rather than SQL data types when defining columns.
The following example shows how orchdbutil is used.
Unlike the Designer interface, the output is fairly raw. However it
provides us with the necessary information to begin our scripting
We will use Perl to call orchdbutil, capture and parse its output and then convert the output to DSX format. The script will contain a configuration section that defines database default connection details and other information necessary to build the DSX file. It will accept a number of command line options that change the default values. One of the options is a list of tables. The script will process every table in the list producing a DSX file for each one. These DSX files can then be concatenated into a single DSX and imported using the dscmdimport utility.
Here's how it works.
As you can see, we are now able to import dozens of tables very quickly and easily.
Scripting the import process provides a quick and painless way of importing table definitions for any number of tables and, if required, to refresh these on a regular basis. This saves Developers from having to manually import and they can also be confident that they are working with the latest table definitions. Furthermore, the table definition DSX files can be stored in a Change Repository such as subversion. This will keep track of when and what changes where found.
The full listing is in the attached file.
queries the database catalog and prints the table definition to the console. The table definition is an orchestrate
definition - i.e. it uses internal data types rather than SQL data types when defining columns.
The following example shows how orchdbutil is used.
$ orchdbutil show MSF020 -dbtype oracle -server orcl -dboptions {user=jim,password=jim}
##I IIS-DSEE-TFCN-00001 21:27:30(000)
IBM WebSphere DataStage Enterprise Edition
Copyright (c) 2001, 2005-2008 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved
##I IIS-DSEE-TDOR-00303 21:27:31(001) Oracle session NLS parameters: CODESET=.1252 NLS_LANG="AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252" NLS_LANGUA
##I IIS-DSEE-TCDU-00009 21:27:31(002) Database connect options: dbname= , server='orcl', dboptions='{user=busi_ldg,passwor
##I IIS-DSEE-TCDB-00002 21:27:31(003) Database connect options: dbname= , server='orcl', dboptions='{user=busi_ldg,passwor
d=busi_ldg}'Library orchoracle is loaded.
##I IIS-DSEE-TCDU-00001 21:27:31(004) record
( ENTRY_TYPE: string[1];
ENTITY: string[10];
DSTRCT_CODE: string[4];
DEFAULT_FLAG: string[1];
PASS_WORD: string[10];
DEFAULT_MENU: string[10];
LAST_ACC_DATE: string[8];
PSW_UPD_DATE: string[8];
LAST_MOD_DATE: string[8];
LAST_MOD_TIME: string[6];
LAST_MOD_USER: string[10];
CREATION_DATE: string[8];
GLOBAL_PROFILE: string[10];
EMPLOYEE_ID: string[10];
PROFILE: string[250];
OWNER_ID: string[10];
OGUI_GLOBAL_PROF: string[10];
LAST_NO_ERR_LOGS: string[2];
RECENT_PWD_GRP: string[204];
We will use Perl to call orchdbutil, capture and parse its output and then convert the output to DSX format. The script will contain a configuration section that defines database default connection details and other information necessary to build the DSX file. It will accept a number of command line options that change the default values. One of the options is a list of tables. The script will process every table in the list producing a DSX file for each one. These DSX files can then be concatenated into a single DSX and imported using the dscmdimport utility.
Here's how it works.
$ ll
total 24
-rwxrwxrwa 1 Administrators None 11429 Apr 16 07:07 importTableDefs.pl
-rwxrwxrwa 1 Administrators None 16 Apr 16 07:08 tables.lst
$ cat tables.lst
$ ./importTableDefs.pl -tableList allTables.txt
Exporting table definition for MSF020
Exporting table definition for MSF034
$ cat *.dsx > allTables.dsx
$ dscmdimport /D=kuatro:9080 /U=jim /P=jim /H=kuatro /NUA EPM ./allTables.dsx
Attaching to 'EPM' ...
Importing './allTables.dsx' to project 'EPM' ...
DSImport started at: 07:15:01 2011-04-16
Importing Table definitions
Importing Table definitions
.DSImport ended at: 07:15:02 2011-04-16
Scripting the import process provides a quick and painless way of importing table definitions for any number of tables and, if required, to refresh these on a regular basis. This saves Developers from having to manually import and they can also be confident that they are working with the latest table definitions. Furthermore, the table definition DSX files can be stored in a Change Repository such as subversion. This will keep track of when and what changes where found.
The full listing is in the attached file.
How To Clear Locked datastage Jobs
There are times when a user may be disconnected from the network
while a job is open. You would normally use the web console to look for
open sessions and then disconnect these but there are some occassions
when the sessions do not appear on the web console.
This handy little script is what you need.
This handy little script is what you need.
cd \IBM\InformationServer\ASBServer\bin
Enter the username: jim
Enter the password: jim
Note that this script is found (and run) on the DSEngine Server.
Creating a project from the command line using dsadmin
reating a project using the Administrator client is easy and simple.
The problem with graphical tools is that it is very difficult to ensure
repeatability. Sure you can document the process with lots of pictures
but at the end of the day there is still the human factor. The best way
of ensuring repeatability is by scripting the process.
I've created the attached shell script that creates a project, sets
project properties and then sets the project's environment variables. If
the project exists, it simply skips the creation part. This script
allows me to create the project and once it is created, I can run the
script any time a variable is added or modified.
Once I'm satisfied with my development environment, I can run the process in my test and production environment with different values for project variables. Although environments may have differing sets of project variables, in most cases there will be a common subset. This script allows me to ensure that the environments share this common subset of project variables.
The dsadmin utility can be used to create and configure a DataStage project, set project properties and manage project environment variables.
Command Syntax:
dsadmin [-file | -domain -user -password -server ]
Valid primary command options are:
Once I'm satisfied with my development environment, I can run the process in my test and production environment with different values for project variables. Although environments may have differing sets of project variables, in most cases there will be a common subset. This script allows me to ensure that the environments share this common subset of project variables.
Compiling datastage jobs in parallel
function ds_compile_batch {
if [[ "$DEBUG" = "Y" ]]; then
set -x
logVerbose "Compiling routines in ${ds_project}@${ds_host}"
$CMD_DSCC /f /r '*' ${ds_project} >> $COMPILE_LOG 2>&1
typeset -i COUNTER=0
cat ${DSJOB_LIST} | while read DSJOB ; do
logVerbose "Compiling $DSJOB"
if [[ "$DRY_RUN_FLAG" != "Y" ]]; then
ID="${temp_dir}/${COUNTER}_$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"
$CMD_DSCC /f /j ${DSJOB} ${ds_project} >>${ID}.log 2>&1 &
echo $PID > ${ID}.pid
echo "Compiling $DSJOB (P${COUNTER})" >> ${ID}.log
# sleep to avoid write errors to c:/Program\ Files/ITCB/ds_logs/dstage_wrapper_trace_n.log
#sleep 2
# wait if max processes running
logDebug "Number of compile processes running $COUNTER (MAX=$MAX_PROCESS)"
if [[ $COUNTER -ge $MAX_PROCESS ]]; then
# wait for processes to finish
while [[ "$WAIT" = "Y" ]]; do
sleep $SLEEP
for PID_FILE in ${temp_dir}/*.pid ; do
PID=$(cat ${PID_FILE})
ps -p ${PID} >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
THIS_LOG="${temp_dir}/$(basename $PID_FILE .pid).log"
echo "===========================================================" >> $COMPILE_LOG
rm "$PID_FILE"
rm "$THIS_LOG"
COUNTER=$(ls ${temp_dir}/*.pid 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
logDebug "Number of compile processes running $COUNTER (MAX=$MAX_PROCESS)"
Installing and Configuring IBM Information Server 8.5
After a few attempts trying to install on a VM (VMWare Workstation 6.5),
I gave up and decided to set up on a physical machine. There were a
couple problems with VM:
The first thing I noticed after installation was that there were quite a few new icons on my desktop some of which were familiar others not so.
Create OS users and groups
- It recommended a maximum of 2.8G for the guest machine
- The VM kept hanging when I tried to install Windows 2003 Enterprise
- Intel Quad-core
- 8G RAM
- Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition (Standard Edition can only address up to 4G)
- Get latest Windows 2003 updates (Service Pack 2)
- Install a copy of Acrobat Reader
- Install a copy of Internet Explorer 7
- Install WIC (Windows imaging component is required by IIS)
- Install Oracle 10gR2
- Create a single Oracle database with UTF8 and UTF16 character encoding
- Install Oracle SQL Developer
- Run scripts to create XMeta and IA objects (these can be found under DatabaseSupport in the IIS installation pack)
The first thing I noticed after installation was that there were quite a few new icons on my desktop some of which were familiar others not so.
- Administrator Client
- Designer Client
- IBM Import Export Manager
- IBM InfoSphere FastTrack Client
- IBM InfoSphere Information Server Command Line Interface
- IBM InfoSphere Information Server Console
- IBM InfoSphere Information Server Documentation
- IBM InfoSphere Information Server Manager
- Multi-Client Manager
- Start ASB Agent
- Stop ASB Agent
- Web Console for IBM Information Server
Create OS users and groups
- Login to the Engine host as administrator
- Create a new group (e.g. DataStage Developers)
- Create a new user (e.g. etluser)
- Add new user to new group
- Grant write permissions to new group on IIS server directory and all subdirectories (c:\IBM\InformationServer\Server)
- Login to the web console ("Web Console for IBM InfoSphere Information Server") as wasadmin
- Navigate to Administration/Domain Management/Engine Credentials
- Select the server engine then click on "Open My Credentials"
- Enter the name and password of an Administrator user on the Engine host then click on "Save and Close"
- Navigate to Administration/Users and Groups/New User
- Add a new DataStage user (e.g. jim) by entering the required fields
- Click on "Suite Component" and select "DataStage and QualityStage User"
- Click on "Save and Close"
- Open Administrator Client
- Navigate to Projects and select a project (e.g. dstage1)
- Select Permissions
Note that wasadmin is shown with the role of "DataStage and QualityStage Administrator" but the new user is not shown. - Click on "Add User or Group"
- Change the role to "DataStage and QualityStage Developer"
- Click on "OK" and "Close"
Datastage Sequence Looping
We've shown how to create DataStage jobs that can process tables and
files generically. What we now need is a way to control those jobs in
some sort of loop such that a new file or table is passed on every loop.
There are many ways to do this - shell script with dsjob, a sequence
with the names of the files and/or tables hard-coded into the StartLoop
activity, a DataStage Server routine that uses the DataStage API to
start and run a list of jobs read from a text file or even another job
that calls the UtilityRunJob routine that comes with DataStage.
The approach taken here will be a combination of a Routine, a Sequence and a text file. This design will make maintenance very simple. If a file needs to be added or deleted to or from the list, only the text file and the job parameter changes.
Here's the plan:



In the first activity of the sequence (uvReadFile), the routine is called and stored in a variable named fileList.
The next step is the loop initialization. We set up a numeric loop with a stop value defined by a job parameter whose value is the size of the list (in this case 1).
Now we set up a variable containing the ith record of the array. This record will contain the set of parameters required to run the job.
The set of parameters is then further split up into individual variables.
Finally we are ready to call the job using the required parameters.
The approach taken here will be a combination of a Routine, a Sequence and a text file. This design will make maintenance very simple. If a file needs to be added or deleted to or from the list, only the text file and the job parameter changes.
Here's the plan:
- Create a file containing one record for each file to be processed. Each record is a comma-delimited record containing the file path, the table name and the schema file path.
- Write a routine that reads a comma delimited file with three fields - file name, table name and schema file name. Each
record in the file will be loaded into an array and the routine returns the array. - Create a sequence that calls the routine once and then loops through each element in the array passing the required fields to a job
Create List of Files
Here is our list of files containing only one entry for this example.
Create Routine
The routine is a fairly simple one. It takes one argument which is the file name (including the path) of the file containing a comma-separated list of parameters for each file to be processed. It opens the file, breaks each line into fields and pushes them on to a dynamic array which it then returns to the caller.Function ReadFile
Routine = 'ReadFile'
vFileName = Arg1
vArray = ''
vCounter = 0
OPENSEQ vFileName to vFileHandle
Else Call DSLogFatal("Error opening file list: ":vFileName,Routine)
While ReadSeq vLine FROM vFileHandle
vCounter = vCounter + 1
vArray = Fields(vLine,',',1)
vArray = Fields(vLine,',',2)
vArray = Fields(vLine,',',3)
CLOSESEQ vFileHandle
Ans = vArray
Return Ans

Create Sequence

In the first activity of the sequence (uvReadFile), the routine is called and stored in a variable named fileList.

The next step is the loop initialization. We set up a numeric loop with a stop value defined by a job parameter whose value is the size of the list (in this case 1).

Now we set up a variable containing the ith record of the array. This record will contain the set of parameters required to run the job.

The set of parameters is then further split up into individual variables.

Finally we are ready to call the job using the required parameters.

Datastage Schema Files
Using RCP is great when your source is a database whose meta-data can
be discovered but what about flat files? How do we create generic jobs
that will process flat files.
The answer is Schema files. Schema files allow you to move column definitions from the job to an external file. This way a single generic job can be created to move flat files from source to destination.
There are two steps involved in creating a generic job using schema files:
The answer is Schema files. Schema files allow you to move column definitions from the job to an external file. This way a single generic job can be created to move flat files from source to destination.
There are two steps involved in creating a generic job using schema files:
- Create a schema file
- Create the DataStage job
Example CSV File
We have a very simple CSV file to load for this example. This file contains four fields - Name, Street Address, Suburb and Post Code.
Creating a schema file
A schema file is simply a text file containing an orchestrate table definition. The shema file for the employee file is shown below.Note that the data types used here are internal data types not SQL data types used in column definitions. Note also that the format tab of the Sequential file stage is ignored if a schema file is used. The schema file should contain the formatting options as shown below.

The DataStage job is again a very simple job. It uses the schema file to define the formatting and meta-data of the sequential file and it uses RCP to propagate the column definitions.

. The name of the schema file is defined in the Sequential File stage properties tab.

The use of schema files allows a single DataStage job to populate multiple tables from multiple files. Since the schema files are plain text files, maintenance is easy and no special skills are required.
Datastage: Runtime Column Propagation
In its simplest form, RCP can be used to copy data from one table to
another without the need for defining the meta-data. However this
feature can be used in any other circumstance where tables may share a
subset of column definitions. If the logic to be applied only involves
the subset of columns, then a generic job can be used to move the data. A
typical example is a set of tables that share one column - a checksum
value on the natural key. In this case a generic job can be designed
using the Change Capture stage to compare previous and current data
producing a dataset containing a delta for the table being processed.
This one job can be used to process any number of tables thus producing
the necessary files for an incremental load.
The first thing is to ensure that RCP is enabled for both the project and the job.
Use job parameters to define the source and target table names.
Define properties for source and target database connectors

Note that we have not defined any columns in either the source or the target. At runtime, DataStage will interrogate the source to determine the column definitions and propagate those definitions all the way to the target.
That's all there is to it.
This very simple job can be enhanced in any number of ways.
Runtime Column Propagation - Simple Copy Job
One simple job is all that's needed to copy any number of tables.
The first thing is to ensure that RCP is enabled for both the project and the job.

Use job parameters to define the source and target table names.

Define properties for source and target database connectors


Note that we have not defined any columns in either the source or the target. At runtime, DataStage will interrogate the source to determine the column definitions and propagate those definitions all the way to the target.

That's all there is to it.
This very simple job can be enhanced in any number of ways.
- Convert to multi-instance to allow running in parallel
- Modify the table action in the target stage to Replace rather than Append so that DDL changes are automatically replicated
Datastage :Generic Data Processing
ETL is all about moving and transforming data. Transformation is
almost always specific to the file or table that is being processed but
moving is a generic action. Data is moved from on place to another and
the only thing that differs is the structure of the data.
In almost all cases, the very first set of jobs created in an ETL application is used to moved data from the source to a landing area. In the past, a job had to be created for every table or file that had to be moved. DataStage has some nice features that allow us to build a single job that can be used to process data in a generic way.
In almost all cases, the very first set of jobs created in an ETL application is used to moved data from the source to a landing area. In the past, a job had to be created for every table or file that had to be moved. DataStage has some nice features that allow us to build a single job that can be used to process data in a generic way.
Datastage:Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Stage
There are a number of ways to manage slowly changing dimensions using
DataStage. The choice of which method to use depends partly on the type
of dimension you are populating.
The natural key for the table is Name. I will be using this table as the source for the employee dimension. The employee dimension structure is shown below.

Open the SCD stage and there is a type of wizard called "Fast Path". I found this to be the simplest way of editing the stage.




For my money, the SCD stage is not really great value. It basically combines a lookup and a transform stage but it does it in a very clumsy way. Also, it does not give you the ability to process deleted records. It's designed to process incremental loads so if you have a full load and you need to detect deleted records, this stage will not do it for you.
Types of SCD
- Type 1 - no history, records are simply overwritten
- Type 2 - changes trigger an update that expire the existing record and an insert to add the new record
- Type 1 and Type 2 - fields are classified as either type1 or type 2
for each new record
get business key
check if business key exists in dimension
if so then
check if record has changed
if so then
if (type 1 change) then update dimension record
if (type 2 change) then expire dimension record and add new dimension record
end if
add new dimension record
end if
next record
In this tutorial, I will be discussing the SCD stage. I've got a very simple employee table with the following structure.
The natural key for the table is Name. I will be using this table as the source for the employee dimension. The employee dimension structure is shown below.

SCD Stage
The SCD stage doesn't have what I would call an intuitive interface. It takes 2 inputs (a primary link, a reference link) and 2 output links . The primary link is connected to the incoming data while the reference link is connected to the dimension.
Open the SCD stage and there is a type of wizard called "Fast Path". I found this to be the simplest way of editing the stage.
Step 1 - Define the output
Define the output link. The output link is used to propagate fields to fact tables or to other stages including other SCD stages.
Step 2 - Define the lookup fields
On this page, we define the business key, type 1 and type 2 fields, current row indicator and the effective and expiry date fields. Note that if there are any type 2 fields, there must also be a current row indicator.
Step 3 - Define surrogate key source
This will be used to populate the EMP_ID field for new records.
Step 4 - Define the dimension fields
This page is where we define how the dimension fields are populated. Note that END_DATE and CURRENT_ROW_IND have 2 deriviations - one for adding records and one for expiring records. Note that these derivations must be either literals or functions. Also note that Job Parameters cannot be used here.
Step 5 - Define output fields
The final page defines what fields we want to send to the output. We have the choice of fields from the Primary and Reference link.
For my money, the SCD stage is not really great value. It basically combines a lookup and a transform stage but it does it in a very clumsy way. Also, it does not give you the ability to process deleted records. It's designed to process incremental loads so if you have a full load and you need to detect deleted records, this stage will not do it for you.
Datastage: Importing Table Definitions
As we all know, Oracle table definitions can be imported from
DataStage Designer. The Designer client provides a simple and convenient
interface that connects to the database, extracts the table definition
using Orchestrate Schema Definitions and imports the definition into
DataStage. A friendly wizard steps us through the process.
Select Import/Table Definitions/Orchestrate Schema Definiitions
Define database connection
This screen is a bit of a mystery to me. It's titled "Select Schema" and implies that you may be able to import more than
one schema at a time but, if this is possible, I have not figured out how.
The "Field Selection" screen allows us to choose which fields we want to import.
Next we define the Table Definition name and the folder it will be imported into.
The next screen allows us to change the default descriptions for the new table definition.
Finally we're ready to import and the wizard asks for final confirmation.
Eureka! - We've done it.
As I said - very simple and convenient.
But what if we need to import dozens or hundreds of tables? Even if we only have a few tables, what if we wanted to refresh the definitions
on a regular basis? This could become quite a tedious chore. Well here's one way of automating the process.
Select Import/Table Definitions/Orchestrate Schema Definiitions

Define database connection

This screen is a bit of a mystery to me. It's titled "Select Schema" and implies that you may be able to import more than
one schema at a time but, if this is possible, I have not figured out how.

The "Field Selection" screen allows us to choose which fields we want to import.

Next we define the Table Definition name and the folder it will be imported into.

The next screen allows us to change the default descriptions for the new table definition.

Finally we're ready to import and the wizard asks for final confirmation.

Eureka! - We've done it.

As I said - very simple and convenient.
But what if we need to import dozens or hundreds of tables? Even if we only have a few tables, what if we wanted to refresh the definitions
on a regular basis? This could become quite a tedious chore. Well here's one way of automating the process.
ETL Run Management
This is a very simple run management system. It provides the bare
minimum information but still enough to provide elapsed times, error
frequency and trends in processing times. It is also quite easy to

This process is implemented using a DataStage sequence.
- Every run must be uniquely identifiable
- The following run attributes must be recorded
- start time
- end time
- data start date
- data end date
- run status
- The run identifier must be system generated
- A run after a failed run will be related back to the failed run
Process Flow

Implementation Details
The run id is defined as a decimal value. The value of the run id is set to the next highest integer after every successful run. If a run is unsuccessful, the next run id is set to the last run id + 0.01. This means that each failed run will be related to the original run. The increment chosen (0.01) allows up to 99 unsuccessful runs.This process is implemented using a DataStage sequence.

Date Transformations in datastage
DataStage provides a number of format strings that can be used to
convert dates to strings and vice-versa. In the following examples, we
use a DATE variable (date_value) that contains a value of "2000-02-29".
Note that although the documentation mentions the "%eee" and "%eeee" format strings
, they don't seem to work in isolation. I've had success with a format
such as "%eee, %yyyy-%mm-%dd" but if I use "%eee" in isolation, I get
the following error.
Description | Syntax | Result |
Convert date to string | DateToString(date_value,"%dd-%mm-%yyyy") | 29-02-2000 |
Get short month name | DateToString(date_value,"%mmm") | Feb |
Get long month name | DateToString(date_value,"%mmmm") | February |
Get short weekday name | DateToString(date_value,"%eee") | Tue |
Get long weekday name | DateToString(date_value,"%eeee") | Tuesday |
Transformer_2,0: Caught exception from runLocally():
APT_ParseError: Parsing pa rameters "%eee" for conversion
APT_Conversion_String_Date: Invalid Format [%eee] used for
string_from_date type conversion.
Calculating Last Day of Month in datastage
Calculating the last day of the month is a little bit more work but is certainly easier than using if-else statements as I've seen in some jobs. This is how it's done using stage variables. Of course you could just use a single variable with lots of nested functions but it's a lot easier to understand (and maintain) with mulitple variables.
svDate = inputlink.dateVar
svYear = YearFromDate(svDate)
svMonth = MonthFromDate(svDate)
svDay = DaysInMonth(svDate)
svEndOfMonth = DateFromComponents(svYear,svMonth,svDay)
Days Elapsed in datastage
Days Elapsed
Another common requirement is to calculate the number of days between 2 dates. This is easily accomplished with the DaysSinceFromDate function.DaysSinceFromDate("2001-01-20","2001-01-28") = -8
Adding and Subtracting Days datatage
Adding and Subtracting Days
Converting to Julian date is quite a common way of performing date arithmetic. Once you have a Julian day, you can simply add or subtract any number of days from the original value.
Both options have the same drawback - no options to add months or years. Trying to roll your own functions to add months and years (although fairly simple) is a pain at the best of times and it's just another component that has to be deployed. It would be nice to have a built-in function that does the job - and there is. The best and most flexible option is to use the DateOffsetByComponents function. This function provides almost everything you will need for date aritmetic. The function takes four parameters - date, year_offset, month_offset, day_offset. In other words, this function can perform calculations similar to the following examples.
Use DateOffsetByComponents(%basedate%,%yearoffset%,%monthoffset%,%dayoffset%) to:
Converting to Julian date is quite a common way of performing date arithmetic. Once you have a Julian day, you can simply add or subtract any number of days from the original value.
JDATE = JulianDayFromDate(DT_VAR)
Once you have performed your arithmetic, you simply change back to a date.NEW_DT = DateFromJulianDay(LAST_WEEK)
Another way is to use the DateFromDaysSince function.
TOMORROW = DateFromDaysSince(1,DT_VAR)
YESTERDAY = DateFromDaysSince(-1,DT_VAR)
The great thing about this function is it will accept a string so long as the string is in the format ("%yyyy-%mm-%dd").Both options have the same drawback - no options to add months or years. Trying to roll your own functions to add months and years (although fairly simple) is a pain at the best of times and it's just another component that has to be deployed. It would be nice to have a built-in function that does the job - and there is. The best and most flexible option is to use the DateOffsetByComponents function. This function provides almost everything you will need for date aritmetic. The function takes four parameters - date, year_offset, month_offset, day_offset. In other words, this function can perform calculations similar to the following examples.
Use DateOffsetByComponents(%basedate%,%yearoffset%,%monthoffset%,%dayoffset%) to:
- Calculate the date 5 days before or after date
- Calculate the date 3 months before or after date
- Calculate the date 2 years before or after date
- Calculate the date 2 years, 3 months and 5 days before or after the date
Date | Year Offset | Month Offset | Day Offset | Result |
2004-02-29 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2004-03-05 |
2004-02-29 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2004-05-29 |
2004-02-29 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2006-03-01 |
2004-02-29 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 2006-06-03 |
How to manipulate dates in DataStage 8.5
DataStage has two data types that can be used to store dates - DATE
and TIMESTAMP. Transforming data often requires that we manipulate dates
in some way. DataStage has a rich set of functions for all types of
date manipulation yet I constantly see hand-written code to perform
operations that are readily available out of the box.
The following is a discussion of some of the more common date operations and transformations.
Let's begin with some definitions of data types straight out of IBM's documentation.
Converting to Julian date is quite a common way of performing date arithmetic. Once you have a Julian day, you can simply add or subtract any number of days from the original value.
Both options have the same drawback - no options to add months or years. Trying to roll your own functions to add months and years (although fairly simple) is a pain at the best of times and it's just another component that has to be deployed. It would be nice to have a built-in function that does the job - and there is. The best and most flexible option is to use the DateOffsetByComponents function. This function provides almost everything you will need for date aritmetic. The function takes four parameters - date, year_offset, month_offset, day_offset. In other words, this function can perform calculations similar to the following examples.
Use DateOffsetByComponents(%basedate%,%yearoffset%,%monthoffset%,%dayoffset%) to:
Note that although the documentation mentions the "%eee" and "%eeee" format strings
, they don't seem to work in isolation. I've had success with a format
such as "%eee, %yyyy-%mm-%dd" but if I use "%eee" in isolation, I get
the following error.
The following is a discussion of some of the more common date operations and transformations.
Let's begin with some definitions of data types straight out of IBM's documentation.
Data Types
SQL Type | Underlying Data Type | Size | Description |
Date | date | 4 bytes | Date with month, day, and year |
Timestamp | timestamp | 9 bytes | Single field containing both date and time value |
If you are lucky enough to be working with Date types from a database then you won't have to worry about invalid dates but more often than not you will have to validate a string to ensure that you have a valid date. DataStage provides a function that can validate all data types.IsValid(%typestring%,%valuestring%,[%format%])
Where typestring is one of the following:
"date", "decimal", "dfloat", "sfloat", "int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "raw", "string", "time", "timestamp". "ustring"
DataStage also provides a number of convenience functions to make life
just that little bit easier so instead of the function shown above you
can use IsValidDate(%date%)
Date Arithmetic
Adding and Subtracting DaysConverting to Julian date is quite a common way of performing date arithmetic. Once you have a Julian day, you can simply add or subtract any number of days from the original value.
JDATE = JulianDayFromDate(DT_VAR)
Once you have performed your arithmetic, you simply change back to a date.NEW_DT = DateFromJulianDay(LAST_WEEK)
Another way is to use the DateFromDaysSince function.
TOMORROW = DateFromDaysSince(1,DT_VAR)
YESTERDAY = DateFromDaysSince(-1,DT_VAR)
The great thing about this function is it will accept a string so long as the string is in the format ("%yyyy-%mm-%dd").Both options have the same drawback - no options to add months or years. Trying to roll your own functions to add months and years (although fairly simple) is a pain at the best of times and it's just another component that has to be deployed. It would be nice to have a built-in function that does the job - and there is. The best and most flexible option is to use the DateOffsetByComponents function. This function provides almost everything you will need for date aritmetic. The function takes four parameters - date, year_offset, month_offset, day_offset. In other words, this function can perform calculations similar to the following examples.
Use DateOffsetByComponents(%basedate%,%yearoffset%,%monthoffset%,%dayoffset%) to:
- Calculate the date 5 days before or after date
- Calculate the date 3 months before or after date
- Calculate the date 2 years before or after date
- Calculate the date 2 years, 3 months and 5 days before or after the date
Date | Year Offset | Month Offset | Day Offset | Result |
2004-02-29 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2004-03-05 |
2004-02-29 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2004-05-29 |
2004-02-29 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2006-03-01 |
2004-02-29 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 2006-06-03 |
Days Elapsed
Another common requirement is to calculate the number of days between 2 dates. This is easily accomplished with the DaysSinceFromDate function.DaysSinceFromDate("2001-01-20","2001-01-28") = -8
Last Day of Month
Calculating the last day of the month is a little bit more work but is certainly easier than using if-else statements as I've seen in some jobs. This is how it's done using stage variables. Of course you could just use a single variable with lots of nested functions but it's a lot easier to understand (and maintain) with mulitple variables.
svDate = inputlink.dateVar
svYear = YearFromDate(svDate)
svMonth = MonthFromDate(svDate)
svDay = DaysInMonth(svDate)
svEndOfMonth = DateFromComponents(svYear,svMonth,svDay)
Date Transformations
DataStage provides a number of format strings that can be used to convert dates to strings and vice-versa. In the following examples, we use a DATE variable (date_value) that contains a value of "2000-02-29".Description | Syntax | Result |
Convert date to string | DateToString(date_value,"%dd-%mm-%yyyy") | 29-02-2000 |
Get short month name | DateToString(date_value,"%mmm") | Feb |
Get long month name | DateToString(date_value,"%mmmm") | February |
Get short weekday name | DateToString(date_value,"%eee") | Tue |
Get long weekday name | DateToString(date_value,"%eeee") | Tuesday |
Transformer_2,0: Caught exception from runLocally():
APT_ParseError: Parsing pa rameters "%eee" for conversion
APT_Conversion_String_Date: Invalid Format [%eee] used for
string_from_date type conversion.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Neeyam Thanalinu Thazhe Chords- Cocktail
Guitar tabs / chords for Neeyam Thanalinu Thazhe from Cocktail
Song: Neeyam Thanalinu Thazhe
Movie: Cocktail (2012)
Singer: Rahul Namiar | Vijay Yesudas, Thulasi Yatheendran
Music Director: Ratheesh Vegha
Em C Em C
Em Bm
Song: Neeyam Thanalinu Thazhe
Movie: Cocktail (2012)
Singer: Rahul Namiar | Vijay Yesudas, Thulasi Yatheendran
Music Director: Ratheesh Vegha
Check out a cover of me and my friends doing this song to get a better idea of how to play :)
Place a capo on the 1st fret
Place a capo on the 1st fret
Em Bm Em G
Em C Em C
Em G C D
-7-7-7h8-5-7-3-5-5-7-5-3-2h3-0-0-0-2-3-2/3-3/4-4-------| -------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------|
Em G C D
-3/5-7-7-7h8-5-7-3-5-5-7-5-3-2h3-0-0-0-2-3-2-3-2-------| -------------------------------------------------3-0-3-|
-------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------|
Em Bm
Neeyam thanalinu thazhe,
Njan ini aliyam kanavukalal
Em Bm
Nin sneha mazhayude chottil,
Njan eni nanayam ninavukalal.
Kangalal manasin mozhikal
Swanthamaki namal,
Neela jalakam nee
Thuranna neram.
Em D
Pakaram hridayamaduram
(Neeyam thanalinu thazhe..)
Em D C D
Em D
Kattu padum aabheri raagam
Modhamayi thalodiyo,
Bm D
Neratha sandhya meghangal ninte
nerukayil charthi sindhooram.
Em A
Niramolum nenjil oru thudi thalam thanjum neram
Tharum poovum theduvatharo
Em D
Ennalum namonnayi kanum ponvanam
charathaneram kootayi kanum ninchiriyum.
(Neeyam thanalinu thazhe...)
Guitar Tabs,
Keyboard Chords
Nila Nila : Chords Unplugged - Tournament
Guitar tabs / chords for Nila Nila Mizhiye (Unplugged) from Tournament
Song: Nila Nila Mizhiye
Movie: Tournament (2010)
Singer: Karthik
Music Director: Deepak Dev
Place a capo on 1st fret
Now Strum the following chords
E Esus4 (Strumming DDU D)
Esus4 E B5 (DDU DU D)
Maayaathe Maayalle
Repeat the same..
Kalivakkin Munayude Naavil
Mulluthanne Ennaalum
Theenai theenai nee
Parayille ente kaathil
Pathiye nee
Esus4 B5
Njaanalle Njanalle ninmaaran..
Song: Nila Nila Mizhiye
Movie: Tournament (2010)
Singer: Karthik
Music Director: Deepak Dev
Place a capo on 1st fret
E Esus4 B5
----------------------------0---| -----0-----0----------0---------| -------1-----2-2--------4-------| ---2----------------4-----4-----| -2-------0--------2-------------| --------------------------------|
Nilaa Nila Mizhiye----------------------------0---| -----0-----0----------0---------| -------1-----2-2--------4-------| ---2----------------4-----4-----| -2-------0--------2-------------| --------------------------------|
Nilaa Nila Mozhiye
F# E
-----------------------0--------| -----2-----------0--------------| -------3---3-------1------------| ---4-----4-----2-----2----------| -4-----------2------------------| --------------------------------|
Oliambine Eruthe
B5 E
-----------------------0--------| -----0-----------0--------------| -------4---4-------1------------| ---4-----4-----2-----2----------| -2-----------2------------------| --------------------------------|Ini Ente Sundariye
Now Strum the following chords
E Esus4 (Strumming DDU D)
Esus4 E B5 (DDU DU D)
----------------| -----------0----| -------1-----1--| -----2---2------| ---2------------| -0--------------|Kannadi Kadamizhi Munnil
----------------| -----------0----| -------1-----1--| -----2---2------| ---2------------| -0--------------|Ponnaninja thiri Neeyo
Esus4 E
Repeat the same..
Kalivakkin Munayude Naavil
Mulluthanne Ennaalum
Theenai theenai nee
Parayille ente kaathil
Pathiye nee
Esus4 B5
Njaanalle Njanalle ninmaaran..
Guitar Tabs,
Keyboard Chords
Aayiram Kannumai Guitar Chords- Nokketha Doorathu Kannum Nattu
Aayiram Kannumai - Nokketha Doorathu Kannum Nattu
Guitar tabs / chords for Aayiram Kannumai from the movie Noketha Doorath Kannum Nattu
For the version from Thattathin Marayathu (sung by Vineeth), click here.
Song: Aayiram Kannumai
Movie: Noketha Doorath Kannum Nattu (1985)
Singer: Yesudas
Music Director: Jerry Amaldev
Strumming: D UU
Capo 1st Fret
Aayiram kannumaay kaathirunnu ninne njaan
Ennil ninnum parannakannoru
Painkilee malar then kilee (painkilee)
Painkilee malarthenkilee
Veyil vannupoyatharinjilla
Painkilee malarthenkilee
Em F#
Omane nee varum
Naalumenniyirunnu njaan
Painkilee malarthenkilee
Vannu nee vannu ninnu neeyente
Am G
Janma saaphallyame
Em A
Vannu nee vannu ninnu neeyente
Janma saaphallyame
Thennalum makalekiyo
Kunju thumbi thamburu meettiyo
G Em A D
Ullile maamayil neela peelikal veeshiyo
Painkilee malar then kilee
Painkilee malar then kilee (thennalum)
Ente ormayil poothu ninnoru
Am G
Manja mandaarame
Em A
Ennil ninnum parannupoyoru
Jeeva chaithannyame
Guitar Tabs,
Keyboard Chords
Azhalinte Aazhangalil Guitar Chords- Ayalum Njanum Thammil
Guitar tabs / chords for Azhalinte Azhangalil from Ayalum Njanum Thammil
Song: Azhalinte Aazhangalil
Movie: Ayalum Njanum Thammil (2012)
Singers: Nikhil Mathew
Music Director: Ouseppachan
F# B C#
Azhalinte azhangalil aval maanju poyi
F# B C# F#
Novinte theerangalil njan maathramaayi
Gm# F#
Irul jeevane pothinju
Am# B
chithal praananil menju
Am# C#
kithekunnu nee shwasame
F# G# F# C#
Pinnott nokaathe pokunnu nee
F# C# Dm# B
marayunnu jeevante thirayaaya nee
F# G# Am# B
annente ull chundill then thulli nee
Am# B C# F#
ini ente ull poovill mizhi neerum nee
F# Dm# G# Gm#
enthinu vithumbalaayi cherunnu nee
Am# B C#
poku vishaatha raave enn nidhrayill
F# A
punaraathe nee...
Song: Azhalinte Aazhangalil
Movie: Ayalum Njanum Thammil (2012)
Singers: Nikhil Mathew
Music Director: Ouseppachan
F# B C#
Azhalinte azhangalil aval maanju poyi
F# B C# F#
Novinte theerangalil njan maathramaayi
Gm# F#
Irul jeevane pothinju
Am# B
chithal praananil menju
Am# C#
kithekunnu nee shwasame
F# G# F# C#
Pinnott nokaathe pokunnu nee
F# C# Dm# B
marayunnu jeevante thirayaaya nee
F# G# Am# B
annente ull chundill then thulli nee
Am# B C# F#
ini ente ull poovill mizhi neerum nee
F# Dm# G# Gm#
enthinu vithumbalaayi cherunnu nee
Am# B C#
poku vishaatha raave enn nidhrayill
F# A
punaraathe nee...
Guitar Tabs,
Keyboard Chords
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